Judo opens its doors in Minecraft
Play and discover The Mystery of The Budokan - An innovative gaming experience
The educational experience is now live on the Minecraft: Education Edition platform!
Complete all eight quests and become a champion in life.
Journey through time with Congressman John Lewis to meet leaders of social justice movements who were catalysts for Good Trouble and positive change.
I've been lucky enough to create the lastest Space Den build for Stampy and Sqaishey. It took a couple of months of hard work and during the next few weeks, I will share some of the build processes that we used to create this map.
Builder Credits
Adam Clarke - Senior Map Maker
Dragnoz - Game Mechanics and Models
Baiden Gray - Junior Map Builder
Triple-A-Gaming - Guest Builder
In Unofficial Minecraft Life Hacks Lab for Kids, Adam Clarke and Victoria Bennett offer skills-based exercises, in-game and hands-on projects, Unofficial Minecraft Life Hacks Lab for Kids to help us to develop the core building blocks of emotional intelligence and build a better world. It reconnects positive play in our screen-based world at the same time as forging better connections — at home, in the community, and in the wider world.
Parents and educators are often worried that if children spend a lot of time playing video games, they will not develop the skills to get on in the “real world”. In a rapidly changing world, digital citizenship skills, emotional intelligence, and community leadership are essential building blocks for our children and their futures. Video-games like Minecraft are revolutionising the ways we think, value, and interact with the world. They have given us a new way to tell stories, enabling people of all ages to become authors of change. The players of today are the thinkers of tomorrow.
Map Build and concept for NatureBytes, WWF Microsoft
I created this Minecraft world along with the rollercoaster concept and worked with the amazing scientists ar Naturedbytes to deliver an amazing Minecraft Edu map for WWF and MinecraftEdu
Playcraft - LIVE
In 2017, The Space commissioned Derry Playhouse to produce Playcraft, the world’s first play designed, developed and performed in Minecraft - and also performed simultaneously on the stage in Northern Ireland.
Roman Leicester Minecraft Map
Map Build for Leicester Uni
An ongoing commission to create an archaeological representation of Leicester in 1:1 scale in Minecraft using topographical data and collaboration from the University archaeology and museum teams.
Map Build for Royal Albert Memorial Museum
I Produced and created four Minecraft Maps for RAMM